Image illustrative de The Straits
Image illustrative de The Straits

The Straits

Set among the turquoise waters of Australia's Torres Strait, The Straits follows the life of a criminal family as they smuggle drugs into Australia and exotic wildlife out through blood ties in the Torres Strait Islands.

Terminée Australienne 60 minutes
Drame, Drama ABC1, ABC (AU) 2012

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1.09 - Dead Reckoning

Dead Reckoning

Noel is on the run – from both the police and the DCs. He makes a clandestine visit to his estranged wife, Antoinette, telling her he’s going to South America. To Noel’s delight, Antoinette says that she wants to join him there, with the kids. Noel then heads north to the islands, planning to raise enough money to be able to live overseas with his family. Kitty takes Bridget out to a remote island to dig up a stash of drugs with which she plans to bankroll Noel. But when those drugs (and their boat) are stolen, Kitty and Bridget are left stranded. Marou announces he’s going north to Zey but he conceals the reason for his trip.

Diffusion originale : 22 mars 2012

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Diffusion française : 22 mars 2012
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